Good after noon to all my favorite people....
We have been out of town the last 12 days and it has made me realize how fast time goes. I have missed not keeping up with you. Many of you call me by phone and I guess no news is the best news. I appreciate your prayers and love. I know many think of me still and I feel your concern.
We are going over to Seattle for another MRI on my brain tomorrow. It always makes me a bit nervous to check in but something that certainly needs to be done to know how my progress is going. I have blood work at 10:00, my MRI scan at noon, and then I see my doctor at 2:00. Most of the time they are not running on time so we get out of the hospital around 5 or 6. By the time we get home, it's pretty late. I will let you know my results Thursday morning.
"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offereing
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in."
Love Janae
P.S. Your prayers and fasting would be so great! Thanks again for all you do for our family and mean to us!