Friday, February 15, 2013

Dec 22, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,
This last Tuesday we traveled to Seattle so that Janae could receive an MRI scan.  Later we met with Dr. Rockhill to review the scan.  He told us that he felt both of the tumors that have been threatening Janae may be just a little bit smaller.  He didn’t feel that the change was significant other than neither of the tumors seems to have grown any larger.  This continues to be good news considering how much the newest tumor had been growing from May thru August.   However, he showed us on the scan that the swelling in the brain has increased quite a bit, maybe almost doubling from her last scan a month ago.  We shared that Janae has had headaches almost continually for the past 2 months.  Dr Rockhill explained that this swelling and inflammation in the brain was due to using the Gamma Knife and is one of the side effects of using radiation.  Certainly the headaches are a result of all of the swelling going on in her brain.  He felt that I needed to increase her steroids once again to see if that could help reduce the swelling in the brain.  Unfortunately, this also has other consequences especially making it so that she retains lots of water and gets somewhat bloated.
He felt that Janae should receive another scan in a couple of months just to keep an eye on things.  He showed us that there is one other tumor a bit larger than we would like to see it, that doesn’t yet appear to be growing or causing any threat just yet.  Janae has been receiving physical therapy for the past few weeks and as typical of her, she is impressing the staff with her determination and desire to improve each week.  She is making small improvements in the use of her left hand and left foot and her strength continues to improve.
We find ourselves feeling very grateful for all of our many blessings and for all of our wonderful family members and great friends.  We feel positive that that we are seeing the effects of additional blessings being answered on both of our behalves.  We thank each of you for all of your prayers and acts of kindness that you provide.  This has been a long journey and we are very grateful for each of you and for the role you play in our lives.  We love you all,
Calvin and Janae

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