Monday, February 14, 2011

Good morning to my dear family and friends,

It's hard to believe that the last time I was blogging was Thanksgiving. You can tell I'm great at the computer thing and it wears me out some keeping up with it. I want to do it because I know your prayers and love comfort and help me everyday. I really do appreciate you sincerely and know I wouldn't be doing as well as I am right now without them. Know that even though you may not hear from me as often as you should, I am still thinking of you and greatful you are beside me.

Calvin keeps his e-mails sending out information which helps me alot. Of course he doesn't have everyone's e-mail that I would include so I will do my best with a short version of the last 2 months.

My doctors in the states wanted to have me sign up to a clinical study they are trying to get cleared with FDA in the country. It has terrible side are sick!! More than I am now. I asked what the benefits would be and they told me that 25% of the people that agree to go on the "ipi" increase their life by 4 months. WHAT? That is not worth it or good enough for me. I told tham that I wanted to pray about it. I asked what my other options were and they said back to chemo and radiation. Well, I don't want to ever go back to that, I say, but I guess I should never say never. My heart was so heavy for 4 days. I talked to my mom , certainly Calvin, a few close friends....kept prayering and reading my scriptures. I woke up on the 5th day and had an impression to call Leona who is my natural path who got me started when I was first diagnosed. She told me about a clinic/hospital in Tiquana that started in Greece and she knew of people who had gone over and are still having infusions once a year. She gave me the website. The more she told me the better I felt. The gut-ache left me and I realized it was an answer to my prayers....something natural, an option that had no side effects. That night Calvin and I went over all the information, called the IBC clinic the next morning and made reservations to go to Mexico. My doctor here in Wenatchee wasn't excited about my decision. I had to get my medical records from him. He said he had heard of people going over there and not having any success. He had told me 3 weeks earlier that I was running out of luck. So I thought, "Why not try something else." My heart felt about it so I decided it didn't mather to me what they felt. Dr. Garrison has been great to me and I just get my mind to jump another 6 months of chemo and be so ill.

We left Wenatchee about 4 days later, right after Thanksgiving and arrived in Mexico late that night. I started the infusions the next morning. They put them in your arm like an I.V. and they last about 4 hours. We met some wonderful, fun people there who we still stay in contact with. They helped the time to pass. The clinic has a dining room, very small that you eat your meals in and make your meals according to the type of cancer you have and the program you are on. It isn't just a clinic for cancer even though the most the patients do have some form of cancer. We were there 21 days. While you are there , my first day, they draw 13 fiels of blood and for the next 3 weeks while you are undergoing your infusions they spin it and treat it in a lab, adding an antibody to it. It's complicated for me to explain but it's called the "Dendretic Cell." The day before you leave they show you how to have your spouse, friend or whoever, yourself if need inject this back into your body. It's your own immune system made stronger. They don not claim to cure you or heal you but to strengthen your immune system so it can kill the cancer. Very interesting. That's why there are no side effects. It's your own self being put back into your own self but treated, stronger and different. Calvin does my injections every Friday morning before he goes to work, once a week for the 13 weeks.

The first time you go is called the "crisis phase." The doctor you get assigned to you there determines how often you will come back. I go back every 4 months this first year and we will see how my blood and the cancer has responded thus far. When I arrived there my first day my immune system was a 4.9 count. Not so great. 6 is about the lowest. My second week there it had gone up to 4.0. My third week there it had gone up to 3.2. They drew my blood the day I left and Dr. Romero sent Calvin an email and told it was it perfect. It was 2.5. The best. This tells us that the infusions, the food and treats that I had received had worked well so far. This is exciting for me. Tiquana is not the place I want to hang out but it is for a while. calvin thought we would run on the beach and have some what of a vacation...sorry honey! It was freezing cold while we were there. I go back March 28th I believe. We haven't determined exactly what day but it is already time to go in for "Booster." It's only for 12 days now instead of 21. That was a long time to be gone.

We got home from Mexico 4 days belfore Christmas. Raced around to get myself ready, left for Blise to see Jason, Bergen and their swet triplets. We stayed through the New Year and drove home. I got the head crude with throat, ear, sinus...everything but the fever. I have been on the recovery mode since.

I knew this would not be short. Maybe that is why I have put it off but I did want to share it with you. I have felt very good the last 3 weeks and feel like the treatments are kicking in now. It's takes about 6-7 weeks they said. So... we continue to have faith and appreciate your prayers and love that you, our dear loved ones send our way.

"Remeber Me"
Remember me whenever you see a sunrise
Remember me whenever you see a star
Remember me whenever you see a rainbow
Or woods in autumn colors from afar.

Remember me whenever you see the roses
Or eagles sailing high in a sky of blue
Remember me whenever you see waves shining in the sun
And remember I'll be remembering you.

Remember me whenever you see a teardrop
Or meadows still wet with the morning dew
Remember me whenever you feel love growing in your heart
And remember I'll be remembering you!

(A song about our Heavenly Father)

Love Janae


  1. Thank you so much for updating us! I have been asking about you and checking your blog often, wondering how the treatment in Mexico went. I'm glad it seems to be helping. What a battle you are fighting. Keep it up!! Know that I love and admire you more than I can express. You are in my prayers. Cathie Wengreen

  2. Janae, thank you so much for writing this update. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. I so enjoyed your testimony and enthuasiasm at R.S. last week! Even in your trials, you give so much! I often wish that we knew more detail about God's future plan for each of us, but I guess that would kind of spoil the opportunity for the growth of our faith and our capabilities. It seems that He wants us to live life "in the moment" for the most part, putting our trust in Him. We love you, and pray for God's comfort and peace to be with you and strengthen you. Sandy Cook

  3. Janae, this is Kristen, Garrett's daughter in Utah. I just read your most recent post for the first time. You are such an inspiration to me as a young mother. I hope to have the wisdom, strength, and faith that you poses some day. Being a young mother, sometimes I feel like I am flying a plane blind, and that the only co-piolet I have is asleep. Your strength and testimony help me have a different perspective and give me vision. I hope your children know how lucky they are to have you. As I'm sure they do, I wish I had someone like you to look up to and learn from. I have thought about you often since I took your pictures in Utah. My prayers are with you, and I feel the spirit when reading your words. Kristen-

  4. YES JANAE! I'm so happy for you. I saw someone today at church that could've been your identical heart yearned to see you. Hopefully your in Mexico right now. But maybe you can swing the trip to Greece instead? My oldest daughter, Tonya, and youngest sister will be there next fall and next year. I may tag along (dreamin). Your still young enough to move mountains so keep pushing along as you and your family are our inspiration...I love you Sister!
    Dori Kay
