Friday, March 18, 2011

It is a couple of days past Thursday but not months I am improving on my timing of this. It seems like those trips to Seattle just poop me out. My scan shows that I have one tumor a bit bigger and one a bit smaller and the rest are stable which they are delighted about. I honestly was a bit disappointed. They told me not to worry about it but to go on how I am feeling which is the best I have felt in a long time.
Rockhill wants me back in 6 weeks instead of 2-3 months just to stay ahead of this one that seems alittle bigger.

I am getting my skin all looked over next week which I do every other month and you should at least once a year. I leave for Tiquana again in about 12 days. Can't believe it's already here. I do believe it has and is helping me. I think I talked about this in my last blog entry so I won't go on.
Keep your prayers in your heart for me and I will check in with you when I get home from Mexico which is around the 8th of April.

Love to you all

Leviticus 19:18
"Thou shalt not avenge, not
bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself:
I am the LORD."

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