Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's fall and one month closer to Christmas!

Judson is home! We all went to the airport to greet him - it is so great to have him back!
By the way, this is Bergen. Mom wanted me to post a quick note for her. Her computer is down and she knows there are several of you trying to stay in touch and updated, so I'll help you out. Mom finished her 10 days of radiation and had another MRI. It showed no new growths, which is good news, but there is still cancer and we want to get rid of it. So her next treatment will be next week in Seattle and is a procedure called the gamma knife. It is not invasive, even though it has a scary name. It is painless and is basically a really strong dose of radiation to each individual tumor. She will be awake the whole time. It is a one-time treatment and we are excited to have found a great doctor to perform it. If you want more details on the gamma knife, you can visit and watch the video on the procedure. It's not long, but is a great visual explanation. I won't go into much detail on Mom, she wants to do that herself soon. Just know that we are doing fine. We love you all and appreciate your continued love, support and prayers!


  1. Janae,

    What a beautiful much warms my heart. Please know my prayers are with you. I think of you often and am amazed at all you are enduring, and not only enduring, but enduring so well. It is amazing what we can pass through when we have the Savior at our side...isn't it? It is always so comforting to me to know that he "perfectly" understands my fears, my faith, my willingness to endure, and most of all my love for Him. I will be praying for you next week while you are in Spokane undergoing this amazing treatment. Love you.


  2. I'm hear in Seattle if you need me? 206-931-3626! I'll be at the Temple on Tuesday so consider it done! All is Well!
    Dori Kay
